Friday, June 11, 2010

Sometimes "nothing" is the best thing that can happen.

It's easy to appreciate the moments that are clearly enjoyable or eventful, but it is better to recognize that life is the present moment we are living and each moment is to be savored, good or bad. Life is not the past nor the future, but rather it is every moment in which we are immersed and alive, and it is our responsibility to be in those moments always.

Yesterday was one of those days. Perhaps it was uneventful by some people's definitions, but for me it was nearly perfect. I trekked to another borough in search of some seriously soulful pie and then meandered around an unknown neighborhood until I stumbled upon a park. I sat on the stairwell and just took it all in: the clearness of the skies, the sound of conversations and little kids running around, the electric green of the trees and the grass, the breeze...bubbles floating much as my mind and eyes could take in. It was one of those days where every moment seems to last an eternity because I had fallen so deep into exploring and existing in it. Upon rousing out of that state, I looked at my watch and realized only a short time had actually passed--just a handful of minutes--according to the clock anyway. But that doesn't exactly matter; it is only significant and worth noting because it reminded me what each moment of life is. Moments are unknowably deep and marvelous things, simple and yet more complex than we can probably ever understand. It's just a shame that we are, more often than not, too distracted to notice that.

And just for fun: Waka Waka!